Let's find out what's right for you...

Free 15min Phone Consultation

A Consultation helps you to clarify your intentions and purpose for the Reiki healing. It is also a good time to ask any questions about what Reiki is or what to expect. I want you to feel as comfortable as possible for your first session, and it's important to see if we resonate together as a good match on your path to healing!

Reiki In-Person 75min Session Deep Dive

This session is recommended for clients who are new to energy healing or clients who have not had a Reiki session in the last 3 months. It's also recommended for clients who have been experiencing emotional or physical pain. This 75-minute session allows us to go much deeper into the healing. It also allows ample time for discussing what came up during the session and how to best integrate the information received into your daily life for best results. I will also share any intuitive information I received that may be helpful in clarifying where you need to focus for greater healing.

Investment: $115

Reiki In-Person 45min Session Tune-Up

This session is popular with clients who are seeking an energetic "tune-up." This is recommended for clients who feel in harmony with their lives and bodies. They are "tapped in" to their creativity and intuition and simply wish to clear out any stuck energy that has accumulated in the short-term. This is recommended for clients who receive Reiki on a frequent and regular basis.

Investment: $75

Reiki Distance Healing 75min Session Deep Dive

This session is conducted over the phone or on Zoom and is designed for clients who do not live in the San Diego area or are unable to leave their homes. I will ask you to send me a photo of yourself that I can focus on. During the healing you will rest in a comfortable room in your home free from any distractions. It is recommended for clients who are new to Reiki or have not had a Reiki session in the last 3 months. It is also recommended for clients who are experiencing emotional or physical pain.

Investment: $95

Reiki Distance Healing 45min Session Tune-Up

This session is conducted over Zoom and is designed for clients who do not live in the San Diego area or are unable to leave their homes. I will ask you to send me a photo of yourself that I can focus on. During the healing you will rest in a comfortable room in your home free from any distractions. The 30min session is recommended for clients who are already in-tune with their emotional and physical bodies and generally feel good. They are "tapped in" to their creativity and intuition and simply wish to clear out any stuck energy that has accumulated in the short-term. This is also recommended for clients who receive Reiki on a frequent and regular basis.

Investment: $55

Twin Flame Energy Healing 90min Session

This session is for clients who identify as twin flames. This type of connection is unique because both twins have their own energy centers but also share a common energy between them. During the session I will tune into both your energy and the energy of your twin. I’ll clear each chakra and blockage that I find in both people as well as both auras. I’ll also clear the shared energy between you as well as the twin ring. I’ll share whatever helpful information I find or images I see as well as suggestions for further clearing on your own. This session is done remotely on Zoom.

Investment: $175